Pediatric airway devices for laryngoscopy bronchoscopy Pediatric airway devices for laryngoscopy bronchoscopy

Pediatric Airway Management

Video Laryngoscopes and Bronchoscopes for Pediatric Airway Management

Video Laryngoscopes for Pediatrics

A broad portfolio of single-use video laryngoscopes and stylets:

  • Fully disposable blade and handle helps reduce risk of cross-contamination

  • Choose from a full line of hyperangulated, Mac and Miller style blades

  • Small, Medium and Large preformed rigid stylets to support use of hyperangulated blades

  • Supports increased intubation success rates compared to DL1

Miller S00 video laryngoscope blade

Miller S00

Miller S0 video laryngoscope blade

Miller S0

Miller S1 video laryngoscope blade

Miller S1

Miller S2 video laryngoscope blade

Miller S2

MAC S1 video laryngoscope blade


MAC S2 video laryngoscope blade


Hyperangle S1 video laryngoscope blade

Hyperangle S1

Hyperangle S2 video laryngoscope blade

Hyperangle S2

Hyperangle S2.5 video laryngoscope blade

Hyperangle S2.5

Video Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy in One Mobile System

With GlideScope® Core you can see more with simultaneous bronchoscope and video laryngoscope views to help navigate and secure pediatric airways.

Two systems in one means there is no need to wait for additional equipment or switch systems during procedures.

BFlex 2 Bronchoscopes for Pediatrics

Designed for efficiency- with all the advantages of single-use:

  • Single-use eliminates the risk of cross-contamination due to ineffective reprocessing

  • Balanced rigidity and flexibility for ideal control in difficult cases

  • Holder for easy access during cases

  • BFlex 2 Slim 3.8 features a suction channel for challenging secretions


I am happy to report that my first attempt using the GlideScope was a tremendous success, and the baby was extubated after 4 days and transferred out of the PICU several days after that. Thank you again for all of your dedication and education in helping us to take care of critically ill and injured infants and children.

Mary Baldauf, MD, MS, FAAP, FCCM

Learn More about Our Airway Management Solutions

Helpful Information

The Efficacy of Glidescope Videolaryngoscopy Compared with Direct Laryngoscopy in Children Who Are Difficult to Intubate: An Analysis from the Paediatric Difficult Intubation Registry
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2017

GlideScope use was associated with a higher chance of success with no increased risk of complications.

Learn More

Pediatric Airway Management in COVID-19 Patients: Consensus
Guidelines Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2020

Consensus Guidelines From the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia’s Pediatric Difficult Intubation Collaborative and the Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society with recommendations for use of video larygoscopy

Learn More